Each day we’re learning something new, consciously or subconsciously. However, it is at work that we get to learn the most. Not just technical knowledge, which obviously we gain through daily tasks at work, but also other skills. This only comes when we are in the right environment and doing something through practise. Startup companies provide us with oodles of opportunity which help us grow as individuals. Highlighted in this post are a few things working at a startup will teach you.
One of the biggest advantages of working at a startup is that since everyone is pretty much new in the company, a lot of work is expected to be done independently by doing your own research online or offline. This not only helps the employees to solve daily tasks and problems but also learn new things every day. I agree that this increases the responsibilities of the employee, but it also helps him be completely credited for his work too.
Sincestartup companies are very dynamic in nature, while you have to work independently sometimes you will also be expected to work in teams. This teaches you to be multifaceted in nature and gives you opportunities to interact with other people in the company. Also, the by-product of this will be increase in patience, tolerance and understanding. Interaction with peers will help you learn from them and adapt to the way the company functions.
If a lot of tasks are interdependent on other tasks handled by different employees or when one of your peers is on leave or if there is a newcomer in the team or if there is no one to manage some task, you will be given the responsibility to take up that task along with your work and complete it on time. During this phase you will be expected to multitask and put in extra hours from your time. This teaches you to handle pressure and deadlines efficiently.
Fast paced learning
Since the company is still growing and facing constant changes, a lot of methodologies that they follow will also change with time. This means the employee has to be quick with learning different techniques, strategies, marketing skills, computer languages, frameworks, technologies and a lot more. Even if you are new to the company you will be expected to dive deep into what they do as early as one week into joining the company. So, learn how to learn efficiently, and try to get a head start by learning time saving, data-based programs like Power Bi or Slack.
This closes the loop of multitasking and fast paced learning. Adaptability is however very generic in nature. For example, you would be expected to adapt to the new practises by the company, or new technology they are planning to use or adapting to the work environment or even adapting to constant pressure of deadlines. This is however common in most MNCs also but at a startup level you will be doing these at a killing pace. Everyone will be perpetually working towards bringing the company to greater heights and hence the rat race originates here!
This way, it is not only fun but also very exciting to be a part of the company in its growing phase. The startup culture is now globally spreading across MNCs too. Since there are a lot of startups emerging in the market, this post is hopefully a good insight to all those who want to be a part of one.