There are different types of diamonds available. Some of them are extracted from the nature, while others are manufactured in the laboratory. Are you planning to buy an engagement ring with a diamond manufactured at the laboratory? In that case, there are 2 varieties which are available to you. High Pressure High Temperature or HPHT Diamond and Chemical Vapor Deposition, or CVD diamond. However, there are some differences between these two types of lab made diamonds.
In the following section, you will be offered a brief insight into some of the major features and characteristics of these two types of diamonds and would be offered a clear understanding, when it comes to CVD vs HPHT diamonds.
What is the HPHT Method?
This method is considered to be the most authentic one, when it comes to making diamonds at the laboratory. This mechanism of producing diamonds at the lab was first introduced during the mid 1950s Apart from producing diamond, the HPHT mechanism is also commonly used for enhancing the color of the diamond, making them colorless and also for adding different types of colors to them; like green, pink yellow or blue.
For making a HPHT diamond, a small piece of diamond is placed in carbon. Carbon is the main element which makes up a diamond. Then extreme pressure and heat is applied to the diamond; which replicates the process by which diamonds are naturally grown in the nature. A temperature of almost 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit is applied to the diamond, with a pressure of 1.5 million PSI, or Pounds Per Inch. With such immense pressure and heat applied, the carbon melts down and takes the shape of a diamond around the seed. Then it is cooled and the final output is produced.
Usually HPHT diamonds come with a yellowish hue, because during their formation, they are exposed to a large volume of nitrogen.
What is the CVD Method?
This method of making diamonds was first introduced in during 1980s. This was an advanced form of mechanism as opposed to the HPHT method. This mechanism imitates the process of forming diamonds in interstellar gas clouds. As compared to the HPHT method; less amount of pressure is used in the CVD method, besides the equipment which are used are also quite small.
In this method, a diamond seed is kept in a vacuum chamber. This chamber is then filled up with gases which are rich in carbon and then a heat of almost 15000 degrees Fahrenheit is applied. Due to tremendous amount of temperature, the gas takes the form of plasma, which releases the pieces of carbon. These pieces of carbon form layers over the diamond seed, which then takes the shape of a diamond.
Which one is Better?
Both these two types of lab made diamonds have their own pros and cons. However, they can never be compared with the natural diamonds.
Looking for HPHT or CVD diamond rings? Have a look at the online stores. There are plenty of different options which are available these days.