Forest Industry in Canada – An Overview


Wood is used to manufacture a variety of items from homes to toothpicks and furniture. The wood industry converts the trees of the forest into the wood of other items. Its duties include cutting, logging, and taking the logs to the sawmill for sifting into boards and timber or lumber.

Lumber, a collective term for harvested wood, whether it is cut into logs, hardwood or light-frame building members. Lumber is either a hardwood or a softwood type. The term applies explicitly to log products in the sawmill. Conversion of logs into sawed lumber includes debarking, sawing into boards or slabs, resawing into thinner boards of different sizes, edging, cross-sectioning and removal of defects, grading by strength and appearance, and drying in the open air or kilns. When drying under the fibre saturation point, the wood shrinks and typically improves its strength, rigidity and density and prepares it better for finishing. To protect the wood from deterioration and decay, preservatives are also added.

The Canadian lumber company converts logs from wood chips to wood chips into various products. Softwood, which is harvested from coniferous trees, supplies most of the producers in these industries and is mainly cut in British Colombia. The rest of the sector provides hardwood, primarily found in southern Ontario and Québec and the Maritimes.

Lumber, veneer, plywood, particleboard, directed strand board, wood pellets and wood composites are the products produced by the lumber and wood industries. Mechanical processes such as sawing, peeling, slicing, or chipping produces these goods. They also manufacture wood chips, sawdust and shavings as residual byproducts. Moreover, both the chemicals and fuels that can be extracted from wood are paying growing attention. Lumber is the most important of all these goods in terms of value and volumes produced.

In Canada, spruce, pine, hemlock, Douglas fir, larch and western red cedar are the principal softwood timber species, while birch, maple and oak are the predominant hardwood species. British Columbia produces almost two-thirds of the softwood lumber supply, which results in the main export of softwood plywood in that province. In Ontario and Québec, hardwood lumber and plywood are produced, and focused strand board is manufactured near the required supplies of aspen and poplar across Canada.

In Canada, the processing of wood, wood divided or sawed for use as boards, beams, planks, and the like, has been a vital economic operation. Most of the felled trees were cut to provide firewood and timber products were valuable resources for trade with other nations for open fields for agriculture. Forestry company Canada is cyclical, witnessing major ups and downs during the economic cycle. The persistent state of changing conditions produces both difficulties and possibilities. A particularly deep cyclical downturn has occurred in Canada’s forest sector, combined with structural shifts in world markets. The forestry industry has begun to transform itself in response to these challenges along four distinct lines: demand growth, operational productivity, business process improvement, and new product development. The new and creative products, materials and services produced by the Canada forestry company have been one of the most exciting elements of this transition.