A Detailed Guide to Engine Protection Cover in Car Insurance


From the time you start driving your four-wheeler, all of its parts undergo some wear and tear. In some unfortunate incidents, if your car is involved in some kind of accident, there will be external as well as internal damages. With good comprehensive car insurance, you will be able to cover these damages as well as those caused by man-made disasters like vandalism and riots, and natural calamities like floods and earthquakes. There are plenty of options for a comprehensive cover, and when you buy online car insurance. While a comprehensive cover is good in itself, insurance companies offer additional features that offer specific coverage at an added cost. These additional features are known as add-ons in motor insurance.

What is an add-on cover?

When you calculate car insurance premium, you need to consider not only the cost of the car but also the additional features that you choose. Add-ons are additional coverages that offer protection against specific circumstances or cover a specific part or accessory of the car. They are added covers offered by insurance companies to supplement the comprehensive car insurance cover that may sometimes fall short of protecting your car completely. 

When you buy car insurance online, you can choose the add-ons you would like to include in your car insurance. There is a separate cost involved while purchasing these benefits; however, when the need arises, they are more economical than spending money from your own pocket. It will also ensure that the quote for your car insurance is quite balanced, and you will not end up paying a higher premium.

One such add-on that you can buy for your car is the Engine Protection Cover.

What is Engine Protection?

The engine of your car is located safely inside the vehicle. Under normal circumstances and through the regular use of your car, there isn’t much damage to the engine. Here, a visit to the mechanic is enough to take care of the engine’s basic maintenance. However, in the case of major accidents or floods, the engine could be severely damaged and would need repairing or replacement. Since it is one of the major components of any vehicle, the cost of replacing an engine is quite high.

Why should you have Engine Protection?

Having an engine protection cover will not only cover for the damage caused to the engine but will also ensure a hassle-free claim settlement process. Since the engine itself is the most expensive part of the car, the repairing and maintenance costs will also be high. Though this add-on, like any other, comes at an extra price, it will be more helpful than covering the cost on your own.

You should have an Engine Protection if –

  • You stay in an area prone to floods.
  • You have a very expensive car. Naturally, any damage to the engine will be just as costly.
  • You want to cover the risk of protecting your engine.

Even if you do not own a very expensive car, replacing a damaged engine will mean spending a lot of money. People who stay in high-monsoon zones in India will particularly find this add-on useful. In other cases, even though you may keep your car absolutely safe, there could be an unfortunate incident where a collision may require you to have your engine repaired. With higher car insurance rates, it makes sense to have Engine Protection for your car as, in the long run, you will be able to save a little on your insurance.

What does this add-on include?

The Engine Protection add-on cover includes certain damages to the car’s engine. These clauses could vary with insurance companies. Some of the common inclusions cover:

  • Damages caused by floodwater in the vehicle
  • Damage from leaking lubricating oil
  • Damage from the faulty gearbox
  • Damage from hydrostatic or hydraulic lock

In all of the above inclusions, any kind of direct or indirect damage to the car, either from water or through an accident, will also affect the engine. During a flood, a lot of water enters a car and therefore, also harms the engine. When you try to start the car’s wet engine by force, the cylinder “locks” itself and therefore, there is damage from a hydrostatic lock.

This is very common in places where people’s cars are affected by floods. Of course, you could choose not to start your car after it has been retrieved from the flooded area but you might end up doing so unknowingly. However, while filing a claim for this damage, it is difficult to prove that the harm to the engine was not intentional.

This is where an Engine Protection cover is most useful. The faulty engine can be repaired or completely replaced under this add-on and you won’t need to worry about the hassle of filing a claim for it.

What are the exclusions to consider?

When you buy online car insurance, always download the insurance company’s insurance policy documents and read them carefully. While you may be aware of what all the policy covers, you should also know what the exclusions are. If you have to file for damages, then here a few common clauses you should see

An engine protection cover is not applicable for cars older than 5 years. As such, cars with older engines are a risk factor.

A car with a damaged bonnet lets the lubricating oil enter the engine. Therefore, if such is the case, it will be considered as deliberate damage.

You can cover for single damage with the engine protection cover. This means you will need a new add-on if you have to avail the benefit of a new engine again.


Having an engine protection cover will always be useful. As you can see, a comprehensive insurance policy may not always be enough, which is why there are several add-ons you can opt for while getting insurance.

Always be sure to carry out some research on your insurance provider’s website as well as from other credible sources. While all add-ons are beneficial for your car, there will also be some information regarding which having a word with your insurer will be a great option. Choose wisely and ensure optimum protection for your car!